Artist Awakening

Creative Coaching.

Namarah offers her creative skills as a teacher and Artistry Coach to empower you to become the artist you’ve always been.

Not one person is the same. That’s why artistry is so NECESSARY. As your coach, I tailor each coaching program to you and your unique dreams. Let’s paint the canvas of your artistry together.
— Namarah

How It Works…

  • This is the first step in your Awakening journey. We meet together for one hour and discuss who you are, what you’re looking to achieve, and if what I offer as a coach is a good fit for you.

  • All programs are 6-month journeys, but you decide how intense the experience will be. I offer weekly, bi-weekly and monthly 1:1 sessions for each artist’s program. Included in each tier is access to materials that challenge your creativity, a private community of like-minded individuals and daily prompts that focus you and help retrain your mind to be more creative.

  • This is the most important key to your awakening. You must decide that this journey is WORTH THE WORK for you. I cannot force you to do any of the work - we agree together that as I commit to being your coach and guide on this path of artistry, you commit to the process 100%.

Book Your $1 on One Artistry Call

I love that in our sessions we address all things that impact and affect artistry, our life, it feels like a really holistic approach. I am really enjoying it!

*** All sessions are non-refundable. Each program is designed with intention and time specifically designed for each participant. It is expected that each student will commit to the time and expectations agreed in their chosen program and will make necessary arrangements to bring their program to completion.


  • I appreciated the time to celebrate victories in different areas because it shows that it's not all about what I COULD & SHOULD be doing, but it's also about what I HAVE done. I'm always grateful for the encouragement and challenge to create. Setting small goals has been an essential part of my growth.


  • With each session, I feel better and better! I am so grateful for this experience as it seems like the support I needed. I feel excited and hopeful and less anxious about all the things I want to accomplish. It feels like things are possible and I am finally getting un-stuck.


  • This artistry and creativity that lies within me has helped me to set the goals, build relationships and connect with the people who support, encourage and embolden me to the best version that I will be. I look forward to my continued journey with Namarah. I'm very appreciative of the wisdom and lessons she pours to me and the community I'm part of.
